pp108 : States of a BusObject

States of a BusObject

This topic identifies the different forms that a BusObject assumes, when it is used in a workflow.

The following flow diagram portrays the different states of a BusObject.

The various states are explained in the following table.

Table 1. States of a BusObject

State Description
N (new) Indicates that an object has just been created.
NI (inserted) Indicates that an insert () operation has been performed on the object. When the object is changed, it attains the NC (new + changed) state. When the object is committed, it attains the L (loaded) state.
NC (new + changed) Indicates that an object, which has just been created, has been changed.
t (transient) Indicates that the object is independent of any transaction. In such a state, committing a transaction will not affect the object. If an insert () operation is performed on an object in this state, the object attains the NI (inserted) state.
L (loaded) Indicates that the object has just been loaded from the database into a transaction (for example, using a query). It also indicates that currently the object content has not undergone any change. An object attains this state as soon as it is inserted or updated in the database.
LC (loaded + changed) Indicates that the contents of the object are changed.
LU (updated) Indicates that an update () operation has been performed on the object. As soon as one of the attributes of the object is updated, it attains the LC state.
LD (deleted) Indicates that a delete () operation has been performed on the object.

Related concepts


Related reference

Mapping of BusObjects in WS-AppServer
Structure of a BusObject
Passing the Parameters of BusObject Class
Retrieving Information about a Class
Returning the Objects of BusObject Class